Best Houseplants for Beginners (Part 2)

By Acme Homes 7-14-2021

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)

The Spider Plant is named because of its long spindly leaves and the way it produces baby plants on long stems that make some think of spiders on a web. It can be especially stunning when grown in hanging baskets or on a top shelf that allows its long leaves and shoots to trail down. This is a very adaptable houseplant making it a great candidate for busy households or beginners. It is non-toxic so you don’t have to worry about it around kids or pets.


  • Light: Bright but indirect
  • Water: Water till thoroughly moist but not soggy. Allow soil to dry out between watering’s
  • Temperature: They are not overly picky about temperature, even being able to survive at temperatures as low as 35 degrees. There is some debate on their preferred temperature range, but many will agree that between 55-80 seems best for them.
  • Soil: Well-draining
  • Safety: Non-toxic

Lucky Bamboo

Though commonly called Bamboo this hardy little houseplant is not actually Bamboo, it is simply named thus because it looks similar. This plant can tolerate many different environments and is very simple to grow indoors. It has green arching leaves growing from a thick green stalk. This plant is especially fun because its lovely stalks can be trained to grow in a variety of shapes. the most common being spirals or hearts.


  • Light: Low to Bright. No direct sun.
  • Water: It can be grown in soil or water but if grown in water it needs frequent water changes as algae growth in the water can be a problem. A small amount of fertilizer once in a while will help it to get the nutrients it would otherwise find in the soil.
  • Temperature: 65-90 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Soil: If grown in soil, keep the soil moist but never overly wet.
  • Safety: Toxic to pets but not toxic to humans
